The Loud House Fanon Wikia

The Invisible Louds is a fanfiction episode of The Loud House.


Luan Loud and Lincoln Loud use invisibility spray to play pranks on the citizens of Royal Woods, Michigan.


[Luan Loud and Lincoln Loud walk up to the Palace of Pranks.]

Luan: Well, Lincoln here it is, Prank Emporium. The finest prank novelty store in all of Royal Woods. All the prank experts such as yours truly shop here. And this is where I got my can of string beans gag!

Lincoln: Oh, yay! String Beans!

[Lincoln tries to open the can.]

Luan: Lincoln, wait, it's a booby trap, remember?

Lincoln: Nice try, but I'm not falling for that again! I'm gonna have some delicious String Beans!

(Lincoln proceeds to open the can, but a bunch of springs come flying out, scattering all over the ground.)

Lincoln: Where are the string beans?

Luan: *laughs* It gets funnier every time! Let's go inside to take a look around. (heads inside Prank Emporium)

Lincoln: *sad voice* String Beans…?

(Inside of Prank Emporium)

Luan - *smells the air* Ahh… I love the smell of fresh novelty. Pranks, Gags and Gross Out items are the best things I've ever seen! Isn't this the best store I've said it would be, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Oh boy! String Beans!

(Springs are flying out all over the Isle)

Lincoln: Dang it! Not again!

Luan: *Laughs*

[Luan walked around with Leni as an elderly man with an eye patch walked up.]

Frank: Good to see ya, Luan! How's my number one customer doing?

Luan: Great Great Frank. This is my brother, Lincoln. He wants to learn to be a prankster too.

Frank: [holds out his hand] Pleasure to meet you, Linoln. [he shakes his hand, but gets shocked.]

Lincoln: AAH!!! [sucks on her hand.]

Frank: [laughs] That's your first lesson son. The granddaddy of all pranks, the joy buzzer.

Lincoln: I don't get it.

Frank: You don't have to get it, boyo. The prank is for the enjoyment of the prankster.

Luan: You see Lincoln, Frank here is the master. I learned all I know about pranks from him. [Luan and Lincoln walk to the checkout counter and Frank is behind it.] Okay, Frank, let's see what you've got.

Frank: Well, this came in just this morning. [shows package of gum] Have some gum. [Lincoln chews the gum but then he screams as the gum explodes in her mouth.]

Lincoln: AAH!!!

Frank: Ha! Exploding chewing gum. Only $9.95.

Lincolni: [with smoke coming out his mouth] I don't get it.

Luan: [takes out a dollar.] What can we get for one dollar?

Frank: One dollar will get you this fake gag dollar-- [He takes out a fake dollar] fool your friends into thinking you've got a real dollar.

Luan: What else have you got?

[Frank holds up a whoopee cushion.]

Frank: A whoopee cushion.

Luan: Nah.

[Frank holds up fake vomit.]

Frank: Fake vomit.

Luan: No.

[Part of the counter is covered in real vomit.]

Frank: Real vomit?

Luan: Eww! Don't you have anything good?

Frank: Well, there is one prank that I've been saving for a real top of the line prankster. [Shows close up of spray can] Invisible Spray!

Luan: Wow, invisible spray!

Lincoln: But I can see it.

Luan: Just think of all of the awesome pranks we can do with this! I'll take it!

Frank: *receives $5 from Luan* Good choice. Now be careful with that stuff! It stains clothes!

Luan: Thanks Frank!


Lincoln: Here it is, brother. Invisible spray.

Lincoln: What are we gonna do with it?

Luan: I know! We'll go spray the park bench and then sit on it, and when people walk by, we'll be floating in midair.

[They both think about sitting on an invisible bench, surrounded by kids.]

Rusty: They're floating in midair!

Girl Jordan: How do they do that?

[The thought bubble disappears.]

Lincoln: That's the ultimate prank! Good idea, Luan!

[Lincoln gives Luan a thumbs up.]

Luan: Well, let's get started.

[Lincoln takes off her clothes with her bikinis on.]

Lincoln: Okay, I'm ready.

[Lincoln drops her clothes on the ground.]

Luan: Any particular reason you took your dress off?

Lincoln: Well this stuff stains clothes, right?

Luan: Right you are, Lincoln. [Luan dresses down to her bikini as well] Alright, now give me the can.

Lincoln: Um, I think since spraying the bench was my idea, I should be the one to do it. [he clutched the can]

Luan: Linc, spraying the park bench was MY idea.

Lincoln: Yeah, but I said it was a good idea! [they began to fight over the can]

Luan: Give it here!

Lincoln: Let go! [They accidentally press the can that sprays their clothes and turn them invisible] Hey! It really DOES work!

[A tour bus drives up.]

Bus Driver: And on your right, if you look, you'll see two naked guys fighting over a can of paint!

[The passengers laugh and the bus driver laugh. The bus drives off. Luan covers her body]

Luan: [embarrassed] AAH! Oh my gosh! Lincoln, help me find our clothes!

[Luan pats the ground, trying to grab the clothes. Lincoln sprays Luan's right hand and it disappears]

Lincoln: [laughs] I gotta HAND it to you, Luan. You look kinda funny.

[Lincoln laughs and Luan screams.]

Luan: Righty! [Lincoln laughs again.] No one messes with Righty and gets away with it! [She takes the spray can with her invisible hand.] Let's see how YOU like it! [sprays Lincoln making a hole in the middle of his body] Kinda gives you an EMPTY feeling, huh?

[Lincoln takes the can.]

Lincoln: Yeah? [She sprays Luan's right eye.] I SEE what you mean. [giggles]

[Luan takes the spray can and sprays Lincoln's crotch.]

Luan: No guts, no glory! [laughs]

Narrator: Several bad puns later...

[The scene returns to Luan and Lincoln, who are now invisible. Lincoln shakes the can.]

Lincoln: Hey! I think this thing is empy.

[Luan grabs the can and shakes it.]

Luan: Oh, no, it can't be! How are we going to pull off the ultimate prank? Thanks a lot, Lincoln. You used the last of it. [Luan throws the can away.] What a waste of five dollars…

Lincoln : Hey, I think I found our clothes. [A ripping noise is heard.] Oops! Sorry, I think this is yours.

Luan: Oh, forget the clothes, Lincoln. Let's get home and wash this paint off.

[Luan and Lincoln walk off somewhere.]

Lincoln: Hey, Luan, do you know what time it is?

Luan: Oh sure, it's...half past invisible.

Lincoln: Gee, it's getting late.

[They walk up behind Heffer Wolfe.]

Luan: Let's ask this guy. Excuse me, sir, but do you have the time?

Heffer Wolfe: Sure. [looks at his watch] It's 3:45.

Luan: Thanks.

Heffer Wolfe: Don't mention it. [he turns around and sees no one there]

Lincoln: Don't mention what?

Heffer Wolfe: Uh, who said that?

Lincoln: Me.

Heffer Wolfe: AAH! GHOST!! *eyeballs pop out of his head and runs off*

Eyeballs: AAH!! *jumps into car and drives off*

Lincoln: (invisible) Hey! I'm not a ghost! And how come those eyeballs know how to drive? That's just insulting!

Luan: Hold on, Lincoln. I think I SEE some potential here.

Lincoln: Lay it on me.

Luan: Okay, we're invisible right?

Lincoln: Yeah?

Luan: (invisible) So I’m thinking we can just go around pretending to be ghosts and scare everyone in Royal Woods! It'll be our best prank yet!

Lincoln & Luan: (invisible) Yeah! High Five!

*High Five!*

Luan: (invisible) Let's scare us some suckers!

